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Some of the happy memories of my childhood are the many visits to my grandmother in Tullow. Our visit invariably meant a visit to her local Church of the Most Holy Rosary. There we would pray the rosary with her, light candles and she would tell us the stories of the various statues of the saints. She seemed familiar with their life’s stories. On some visits we were fortunate to be there for Benediction when the large community of Brigidine Sisters and Patrician Brothers would process into the church. It gave the sense of something very mysterious taking place. It was a wonderful occasion and my grandmother in her own simple but deep way explained the meaning of it to us. That memory is as fresh today as it was way back in the early 60’s. My mother very much inherited her mother’s faith and we, all nine of us, received the gift of faith and prayer from both my mother and father. These significant people and others were part of a chain of great witnesses to the gospel of Christ for all of us.

My grandmother had a love for our missionaries. She supported them in every way she could. We’d return home from our visits with the Far East and Africa Magazines, The Presentation, the  Medical Missionaries of Mary Newsletter and with prayers for our missionaries. These magazines detailed the work of the Columban Fathers and Sisters, Kiltegan Fathers, Presentation Sisters and Medical Missionaries of Mary – all founded by Irish men and women. It was fascinating to read about these Irish men and women working in some of the most difficult and dangerous regions of the world. Their sacrifices were and are heroic and admirable. These and other Orders still minister as missionaries. Many of our Missionaries have received the highest award in various countries for their work in health, education and social activism.

A lady by the name of Blessed Pauline Jaricot inspired the celebration of the first WORLD MISSION DAY in 1926. She saw the need to pray for and to financially support all missionaries. Pope Francis has chosen for this year’s theme: “GO AND INVITE EVERYONE TO THE BANQUET.” Everyone is to  be embraced by God’s love.  

When we give to the Mission Collection this weekend we are enabling the many Irish Religious and Lay missionaries continue the work begun by our Irish Missionaries and by the inspiration of Pauline Jaricot – reaching out to bring the Good News of God’s Love to all peoples. Our missionaries built schools, hospitals, health care facilities, set up universities, women’s educational opportunities and trained teachers for schools in the remotest of places. They prepared people to be catechists and leaders in their own communities. Go to the websites of the Missionary congregations to see the incredible work they are doing as missionaries: Columban Sisters and Fathers: Kiltegan Fathers: Medical Missionaries of Mary: Mercy Sisters: Presentation Sisters: Loreto Sisters: Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Saint Joseph: Holy Rosary Sisters: Holy Ghost Fathers: Holy Faith sisters: St. Joseph of Cluny Sisters. Our missionaries, alongside their lay associates work devotedly and courageously to create justice, hope, opportunities, dignity and new life to the most marginalised and poorest in the world. Their stories are uplifting, inspiring and powerful. Today we honour all of them on this MISSION SUNDAY.

Let us pray always for our missionaries. Let us support them financially by being as generous as we can be in our second collection this weekend. Saint Mother Teresa said: “Charity isn’t about pity. It’s about love. Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love. The fruit of love is service which is compassion in service.” Our Missionaries literally get down on their knees to serve with compassion, as Jesus did and asks all of us to do. Let us support our Missionaries in all their great work. 

Fr. Tony



Lord, when my heart is overburdened, overwhelm me with your peace. Lead me to you, my rock, strength and refuge. Guide me to your Word which gives me strength and comfort. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to you first. Help me to get into the habit of taking my burdens to you and placing them in your care. For your Son, Jesus said, “Come to me all who labour and overburdened and I will give you rest: for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls”.



The Hopes of Pope Francis for the future of the Church

464 Bishops, Priests, Religious and lay people have gathered in Rome for the month of October 2023 to take part in the Synod which is the most important happening in the Church since the 2nd Vatican Council.  Of that number 81 are women and 54 of those are voting members.

Pope Francis seeks to bring a revived sense of mission to the Church, and many are hoping that new life will emerge as a result.  The documents that will emerge at the end of the month are not the final word, the same people who attend the present gathering will meet again in October 2024, and the Pope is expected to respond to the documents in the months after.

One topic that will be addressed is the role of women in the Church and perhaps we might have women deacons in the years ahead.  The Synod will address the role of all those of us who are Baptised and encourage us to become more active in the Church and in our Parishes.  We all share in the common priesthood of the Baptised.  This gathering is a culmination of the work that took place in our parish and the parishes of Ireland in 2022.

Ireland is represented by Alan McGuckian, Bishop of Raphoe, and Brendan Leahy, Bishop of Limerick, his early years were spent as a child in the parish of St. Agnes.



We Stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.

With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;

Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.

We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.

Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.

Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life

And not stray from the way of truth and what is right.

All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time,

In the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.  Amen.